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4-Refurbishing or renewal


Why an auction? An auction is the quickest and most fair market method of selling and gives all an equal chance. It creates excitement and enthusiasm and may bring more than a price anticipated. Finding the market value of your property is a simple process. All you need to do is have an auction. The auction method, with potential buyers bidding against each other, quickly establishes a fair market value in today's economy. Our office will both sell on site, at a specified location, and use the Internet for marketing your items. AL MAHDY FOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL is committed to providing the best possible auction experience for our customers. We do more than bring buyers and sellers together; we bring the global marketplace to you. The auction method of selling is one of the most powerful selling tools in the Egypt today. Selling at auction is becoming more of a convenience than a necessity; in fact, numbers of real estate and fleet of trucks and equipment sold in the Egypt last year were sold at public auction.

o Real property
o Personal Property
0 Business Liquidations
o Jewelry and Gemstones
o Certified real property appraisals
o Certified Personal Property Appraisals

3 - Services

Services Provided Before the Auction

o Team of experts provides real property & equipment appraisal services and estimates the value.
o Pack, sort, and arrange all lots in a professional manner.
o Have auction signs posted on the premises.
o Place newspaper advertising.
o Have professional quality brochures printed for direct mail distribution.
o Mail brochures to our target market.
o Auction listing available via our web site?
Have the sale site clean and ready for the auction.

Refurbishing or renewal:

Following the appraisal of your real estate & trucks and equipment, recommendations for repair and refurbishment are made to help you maximize your return. Our experience has shown that the better real estate & equipment appears, the better it sells. You can make use of AL MAHDY FOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL convenient, environmentally-certified refurbishment facilities which provide the following services:

Services Provided at the Auction:

o Provide an experienced and professional staff along with state-of-the-art equipment.
o Have terms and conditions posted in various areas of the auction site.
o Provide to bidders a list of all items to be sold.
o Have purchaser of the real estate execute a real estate purchase agreement and deposit earnest money.

Services Provided After the Auction

o Provide the seller with an easy to read printout of the items sold, price sold for, and a list of all registered bidders.
o You will receive a detailed report of all aspects of the auction from start to finish.


“AL MAHDY FOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL” shall receive as compensation (contract) % of the price sale, and no be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred by us for the purpose of preparing for and conducting the auction. Expenses may include the following: legal fees, all wages for preparing and mailing circulars, prepare the site so that it is "Buyer Friendly" , bookkeepers and all other help at the auction sale, advertising(arrange local or national-advertising campaigns that will draw prospective buyers to the sale), logo, printing circulars postage, insurance, license, etc. Auctioneer reserves the right to charge auction purchasers a contract % of the price sale. IF THE PROPERTY IS HELD OVER: If sale is canceled or postponed for any reason, I/We agree no reimburse “AL MAHDY FOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL” for any actual expenses incurred up to the halt of the sale. If gross proceeds do not exceed actual expenses incurred and/or there are “no sales”, I/We agree no reimburse “AL MAHDY FOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL” for total expenses due. The “AL MAHDY FOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL” shall endeavor to secure

For more information

including complete details of our Full Service Plan, our Modified Service Plan and associated fees, please contact us at # 22 Rd. 205 & 200 Digla, Maadi –Cairo – Tel. : + (202) 516 6283 Fax. : + (202) 5213259 Mobile: + (2) 0122230128 +20123255560

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